Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Projects and Recipes

I have all the 12 Days of Christmas ornament pieces organized into separate baggies.  Began the embroidery on the Partridge in a Pear Tree.  Tweaked the ornament some.  I usually change something on a kit or in a recipe.  Began organizing for the CQ by 2-0-1-2.  Still working on the actual dimensions of the diamond foundation.  I signed up for an emboidered Christmas Ornament of the Month Club through Shabby Fabrics and my friend decided she wanted to participate also.  We got our first ornaments and are working along on them-a cute stocking.  The emboidery on the ornaments is in the crazy quilt style.  I really want to stay on track with all my projects, but life can get in the way as it has already done this year.
Since we got to stay home again today, I made Spicy Lemon Pork Saute from with an oven-baked sweet potato and yeast rolls that I had previously baked.  I think there is a difference between oven-baked and nuked potatoes--don't ask me to explain.  We still have a mini loaf of Meyer lemon and blueberry tea bread for dessert.  I thaw, let slow-rise and bake a batch of Rhodes yeast rolls and freeze them for use as needed.  We ate great breakfasts yesterday and today.  Yesterday was flaky layer biscuits, hash browns,  over-medium eggs from our own hens and thick sliced bacon.  Today was a nuked Honeycrisp apple, french toast and turkey bacon.  Hubby thinks he will have to work tomorrow, so back to oatmeal or cream of wheat.
I am not teaching as the school is closed.  Probably won't work on Friday either as the Friday clinical group does pre-planning on Thursday.  No pre-planning cause the school is closed = no clinical probably.  We drove the truck down to the main road and there is no way I can get out.  There is a drift right behind our garage and the snow is probably too deep and crusty on our gravel drive/road, plus the plow pushed snow up against our road and I probably can't get over it.  Not too mention the steep concrete ramp down to the main road after we cross the cattle guard.  I hope everything thaws enough for me to work Sunday night.  Nurses have to show up, no matter the weather.

Shabby Fabrics - A wonderful collection of the most beautiful shabby 'n chic cottage fabrics
Christmas Ornament of the Month Cub

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Up to the blizzard

I thought a blizzard meant white-out conditions.  Apparently, it is just lots of snow and extreme wind gusts.  Interfering with life should be another criteria for a blizzard.  Does make for a beautiful landscape.  I never saw the chickens outside their hutch, though I did see Doodle the rooster looking out the door.  Our worms are happy in their stacked bins in the garage, under a canvas tarp.
Clinicals have begun.  The psych and med-surg clinicals went well last week, but the impending blizzard cut into OB clinical on Monday.  At least the OB students got a good experience, because women were coming in early for inductions and new moms were trying to be discharged before the blizzard hit.  The floors were very busy.  I love teaching, especially when it's different every clinical. 
Got to stay home today with Steele.  We had to move the old freezer out of the utility room and move our extra frig back in place.  Our new, bigger freezer was delivered early yesterday morning, right as I was getting home from working 3rd shift on pediatric rehab.  Thank the Lord, we didn't lose much when the old freezer went on the blink.  God is Good.
Speaking of which, our son and his family are looking at churches, now that he is not working on the weekend.  They heard about a small fellowship and attended last Sunday.  Mr. "I-don't-want-to-get-involved" has already noted the church needs his expertise in sound. 
We are involved in a Sunday evening class about the book, UnChristian, by Kinnaman & Lyons.  The book is based on polls of what others think of Christians.  It seems very negative, but one of the authors just came out with a "sequel" called The Next Christians.  I think if the church (i.e.; people) truly raised children with a Christian worldview, discipled new Christians and practiced spiritual disciplines, then others would see the Fruit of the Spirit in us.  Plus, when the church is not meeting the needs of the members, The Holy Spirit guides people to start new movements (i.e.; The Jesus Movement, the charismatic churches, mega-churches, etc.).  I wonder how God will move to reach the world today with The Good News.